Tuesday 23 October 2012

Amaaaazing Dinner!

Hey all,
I have just finished my dinner of pasta and tomato sauce- OMG it was amaaaazing!!! Mushrooms, onions, and peppers for crunchiness, yum. Making my own tomato sauce for pasta was the best thing I have done since my change in attitude to food with trying out new meals. Ready made ones in the tins from the shops are nice if you spend money on them, but the fact that’s its homemade and it tastes so much healthier.
I have finished my black tub of gain weight powder, and my new tub is on its way, picking it up tomorrow. This new tub is 1 thousand calories per milkshake instead of the few hundred I was getting with the previous. This should be interesting to see how I take to this new powder. Its technically chocolate milkshake gain powder, so I wont have to use my Nestle chocolate powder.
The amount of milk I drink these days is insane. I’ve only just started to realise how much I drink, I go through 4 pints (2 litres) of milk in like 1 and half to 2 days! I don’t want to think how much I spending on milk per week then! Lol
I haven’t been on the scales, but I wore my UK size 8 jeans today, and boy were they tight. They weren’t hard to get into as such, but just skin tight. The only thing that’s really changing is my tummy size, and the amount of pudge I have on the bottom sides of my back. Yes my thighs are bigger as they are beginning to touch again, but I am not at the jiggly stage yet.
I have become addicted to Christina aguilera’s music video for her single “your body”. Yes the music is good, but she looks so curvaceous in it, and it makes me think that at my highest weight last time, I was getting to that roundness sexual stage, so I’m using her for inspiration at the moment.
I don’t have a goal, but god I love food at the moment. I have been researching and I will be soon posting a few lists to do with food and related topics. Stay tuned.

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