Thursday 8 November 2012

More Spring Rolls & Getting Bigger

Hey all, 
CHINESE SPRING ROLLS! I am in love with them, easy to eat, easy to portion, and it’s a picking food that I am into at the moment. I am not eating as much chocolate as I think I am subconsciously thinking about meals and trying to eat a balanced diet. I used to have lots of chocolate, but I am actually not bothered about it, I’ll maybe have some type of chocolate to pick at like buttons just to cure my mini cravings after suddenly three days, but I am turning into not such a chocoholic. 
 I suppose that is a good thing that I am thinking more about eating proper food and more carbs since its winter now. One needs to eat more over the colder periods anyway, as the body uses up more calories and energy to keep the body warm, so eating more over the winter/xmas period is completely fine. I am looking forward to eating shit loads at Christmas! 
Wearing my size 10 jeans again, and the belt still, however I have tightened one whole in the belt, so I am getting bigger. Also wearing my bigger sized bras too which I am happy about. No scales yet, but I think once I start to feel like I did at over 8 stone, I’ll maybe weight myself, but its not on my list of things to do. 
Only after weeks until Christmas, wonder how big I will be then...?

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