Hi everyone, I have reviewed another film to do with food, and gaining weight. Enjoy
Revolution (2012)
‘Plump Revolution’ ('통통 혁명') is a Koren film about a
model who gains weight, mixed with romance and comedy elements that draws on a new and
fresh approach to food, eating, and gaining weight.
Fixed on a model’s experience about weight
within the Koren fashion industry, the film follows how the determination to
find love, drives her to almost give up her career through gaining weight.
The first part of the film shows her
modeling, her life, her sized body and what she does to keep at that weight.
This involves extreme work out at home (and controlling her brother’s diet),
only drinking water or iced tea which has no calories in, and having boring
meals with no flavoring or taste.
Once a new fashion photographer comes in to
take pictures of her, everything goes tits up. It is clear that he doesn’t
enjoy photographing her, which makes her lose focus in her modeling. She begins
to like him, but it is soon clear that he doesn’t like her because she is so
skinny. After meeting a psychic in a restaurant, who tells her to change her
ways, she gets the help of her brother and friends to start eating.
The next stage of the film cuts to the near
future that shows a dramatic change in her weight, facially and later shown in
her body. The difference in amazing! I won't give too much away, but WOW (eye popping/O...M...G...). The next stage of the film is showing the aftermath and consequences of gaining that weight- very interesting!
Despite the film been spoken in Koren however, which you can't understand, watching it you can tell what is happening, and can understand what is being said
due to body language, facial expressions, tones of the voices, and interactions between characters.
The Feel of the Film-
In reality, actress Lee So Jung who played
the model in the story, had to gain 20 kg (3.14 stone), in two weeks for her
new movie role in Plump Revolution. Apparently, she had to eat 10,000 calories
a day in order to gain that much weight within the two-week period. It sounds
completely insane, but she did do it! realistically speaking, it is dangerous
to gain weight THAT fast, but while watching the film, as an audience, you don’t
think of the negatives about this film, because on the surface it doesn’t have
The main reason why this film works, is
because all the weight gained by Lee So Jung is real. In most films to do with
weight gaining or modifying parts of the body, its all fake. It is amazing that
this actress went the extra mile to do this film. you hear of actors losing
weight or gaining for a movie role, but the determination for this role is
shown through how much she had to gain throughout so little time.
Personal Experience from the Film-
I love this film as its totally a new look
into gaining weight, and the love of food. I won't give away the ending of the film, but lets just say its very ironic. It made me not only understand my partner's reasons more for liking me with more weight on, but understand more about my own cravings for food, and the psychological side to eating and gaining weight.
To begin with, admittedly I was completely
not sure about this film, but after watching it twice (one after another), I
was hooked. I would keep watching this film on a weekly basis if i could, but unfortunately it is very hard to get hold of, DVD wise, to watch
online or even download. But if you can get hold of it, watch it! It has not
only shown me the difference in this area, of food and eating, but it again makes
you hungry! Also, she looks better with weight on.
Due to this, I have started to look into similar films like this,
which I will be reviewing in the future too. This Koren film pushes the boundries of what people think about eating and gaining weight- its definitely changed my mind about the whole thing, so check it out!
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